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# Setting up Lineage2 C5 on ArchLinux with wine

October 14, 2023 - Reading time: 6 minutes

In this guide we will be setting up Lineage 2 Chronicle 5 with 'wine' program on Arch Linux system. You can find the instruction for installing the same Arch Linux I will be using in this guide here and here.

The server I will be using for this guide is Elmorelab X3, which at the moment of writing this guide is still C5.

Lineage 2 doesn't have a built-in version for Linux, therefore we will need to install a Windows emulator on our Linux machine which is called "wine".

Step 1

The programs we will need for Wine are located in the ArchLinux repository called "Multilib" which is not enabled by default, so lets enable them:

sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf

Here, decomment the following lines. By decommenting them you enable the "Multilib" repository on your Arch system:


Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Step 2

Update the system for the change we just made to take effect:

sudo pacman -Syu

Step 3

Install wine, winetricks, unrar and lib32-mesa:

Explanation: wine is the emulator that will run Lineage2C5, winetricks is a supplementary programs that help to configure wine setups, unrar is for unraring the installation .rar file we will download in the next step from Elmorelab's website and lib32-mesa is a driver for ArchLinux that will make the whole wine setup to work.

sudo pacman -S wine winetricks unrar lib32-mesa

Step 4

Download the 'Prepared C5 Client' from Elmorelab's website here.

Step 5

Extract the client into your desired location; in this example I will use home directory (the '~' symbol stands for home directory in linux):

unrar x lineage2c5.rar ~

The resulting extracted folder from the .rar in my case is named "L2C5"

Step 6

In terminal change your location to the game folder (otherwise in the next step the updater will start downloading the whole game to your location in terminal instead of updating the ready client you just downloaded)

cd ~/L2C5

Step 7

Create a wine prefix (a hidden directory that saves all your wine configurations), and run the updater with wine using architecture win64 (instead of win32 which is designed for very old retro games):

WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine1 wine UpdaterClient_x3.exe

Note: the wine prefix we created here is called ".wine1" and is located in ~ , ie, in the home directory. You will be able to see it in file manager only if you enable visibility of hidden files (files that begin with a dot are "invisible").

Now the Updater should start. Do a 'full update' and launch the game. If it works, continue to the next step. If not, you can comment below using Disqus what error you  got and maybe someone can help you. You may need to configure wine a bit differently if your setup is different somehow.

Step 8

Create a shortcut for the game to start it from terminal with a quick one-word command:

cd ~

nano .bashrc

Add this line:

alias 'l2'="cd ~/L2C5 && WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine1 wine UpdaterClient_x3.exe"

Now every time you open terminal and type l2 the launcher will start and you can play right away.



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